(Copenhagen, Royal Library. Ms. 4, 2o, fol. 183v)
One of the absolute joys and honours of being an author is being approached by colleagues to offer words of endorsement for their projects. Below are endorsements Ben has been pleased to provide to colleagues. If you would like Ben to preview or endorse your upcoming project, please do not hesitate to reach out via the Contact Form.

Sacred Wild - Elyse Welles - Llewellyn, November 2025
"Sacred Wild is a cosy, warm, and intimate call to connecting to the spaces around us. Relying on her years of experience in both North America and Europe, Welles takes us on a guided tour around our everyday environments, offering anecdotes, points of consideration, and approaches we can employ to connect. Magic does not need to be in some far off mystical or psychic space, it is here and now waiting for us."

Solomonic Pentacles - Emrys Abner - Llewellyn, October 2025
"Emrys offers in Solomonic Pentacles an intimate, living relationship with a set of tools often seen but not so often understood. Introducing each pentacle within individual and collective context, Solomonic Pentacles is a thorough, well researched, and fascinating guide to some of the most important tools of the Key of Solomon. A welcome reference book breaking down these ancient evocation tools."

Ancestral Dreaming - Linda Yael Schiller - Llewellyn, November 2025
"Grounded in a deep sense of spiritual and psychotherapeutic practices. In Ancestral Dreaming, Linda Yael Schiller guides us through an often-experienced form of communication with our ancestors. Relying on grounded therapeutic modalities and techniques, her own ancestral relationships, and explorations of the world's wisdom traditions, Schiller has written a comprehensive yet intimate approach to dream work with the dead. As both a therapist and spiritual practitioner with an active veneration practice, I greatly appreciated Schiller's take on the role of healing in relating to the ancestors, but more importantly in understanding the dynamics of trauma that can impact those relationships to ourselves, each other, and to our dead. A welcome read for anyone wishing to continue their deep work with themselves and those who came before."

The Rag and Bone Man - Lee Morgan - Crossed Crow Books, (Summer 2025)
"In The Rag and Bone Man, Lee Morgan invites you along for a trip down memory lane... a trip entirely unknowable while also intently familiar as you encounter The Rag and Bone Man on his nightly prowls to consume the refuse of memory, emotion, and thought. We follow the Rag and Bone Man's journey of becoming and unbecoming, from human to inhuman, from living to dead. We travel around the streets Hobart as the Rag and Bone Man seeks out that which sustains him."

Crystals for Psychic Self-Defense - Nicholas Pearson - Inner Traditions, January 2025
“An integral aspect of self care is knowing how to defend oneself, but what if you don't realize you're even being attacked? In Crystals for Psychic Self Defense, celebrated author Nicholas Pearson warns us of the various types of attack and more importantly what we can do about it. The best offense is often a solid defense, and in this practical and in depth guide, Pearson introduces us to the defensive attributes of stones from across the planet, but more importantly offers rituals and exercises to engage with the defensive qualities specifically. A powerful addition to your gemstone library, this book will easily complement other defensive practices.”

Cerridwen: Keeper of the Cauldron - Danu Forest - Moon Books, November 2024
“Forest has done it again! Pagan Portals' Cerridwen provides a wonderful introduction to one of the more revered figures in the pantheon of Welsh deities. At times enigmatic, and at others ferociously demanding, this book invites you into the story and along for the ride. Come and sit at the fire of Cerridwen on the banks of Llyn Tegid, meeting the other figures of that place. Stir her cauldron and dare to take a sip. Feel Cerridwen's wrath as her paws, beak and talons harass you in the chase. Cerridwen is a digestible experience that you will keep coming back to again and again.”

Welsh Fairies - Mhara Starling - Llewellyn, October 2024
“Wales is a land often looked to by modern NeoPagans as a mystical place of ancient gods and fairies, but it's lore is often misunderstood. The traditional understanding of the Good People has been muddied by fantasy literature to the point that the historical practices connected to them have been obscured. In Welsh Fairies, Starling invites you along for a journey through folklore, history, and informed personal gnosis so that readers both inside and outside of Wales can be introduced to Y Telwyth Teg. I particularly appreciated the treatment of the historical Welsh Christian cultural context alongside the modern NeoPagan context, portraying the many different sides of the story of the fairies of Wales. As someone from Wales myself, this will be a welcome addition to my bookshelf.”

An Apostate’s Guide to Witchcraft - Moss Matthey - Llewellyn, September 2024
“Witchcraft has been a safe harbour for so many over the last few decades, and many come with a familiar story. Being subject to restrictive doctrines and unhealthy, anti-social communities... many have turned to alternative spiritualities seeking the freedom they were robbed of. Matthey's "An Apostate’s Guide to Witchcraft" is a timely roadmap for those who are just beginning their quest for freedom, and those who have walked this path for many years. Deeply personal, Matthey shared his own journey from being shunned and cast out of the Jehovah's Witnesses to the vibrant and fulfilling life he leads now. Examining the potential role of witchcraft for those leaving restrictive birth faiths, Matthey takes us on a journey through various areas of the modern witchcraft movement. Always heartfelt, sometimes defiant, Matthey does not speak in whispers, he screams.”

Ecstatic Witchcraft - Fio Gede Parma - Crossed Crow Books, August 2024
“In 2009, celebrated witchcraft writer Fio Gede Parma began their journey weaving their spiritual dance into words. Over the past nearly twenty years, their dance has shifted and changed but the rhythm remains. In this rerelease of Ecstatic Witchcraft, Fio invites us back into experiential relationship with spirituality as an artform to be honed rather than just an objective to be attained. With solid advice and tried and tested techniques, readers are treated to a way to experience their practice rather than just read about it. Fio's ecstatic practice flows through their words, and throughout this intimate work they stand next to you along the journey, as a guide, as a teacher, as a fellow dancer. I look forward to the twenty year rerelease!"

Unquiet Voices - Rob and Nonie Douglas - Llewellyn, July 2024
“This book is a concrete step-by-step overview of the laying of spirits and the various tools, rituals and approaches one can employ. More importantly, this book stresses relationship with spirits so that you do not inadvertently disrupt a spirit minding it's own business. This volume breaks down this sometimes overwhelming field for all who have ever been curious about what goes into paranormal work. A thoroughly enjoyable read!"

The Magic of the Seal - Melanie Godfrey - Moon Books, July 2024
“Seals and humanity have had a long and complicated relationship for thousands of years, appearing in our sacred stories and being seen by many peoples in the northern hemisphere as ancestors. In this book, Melanie Godfrey explores the figure of the seal, its' lore and relationships to humans, from across the globe. Godfrey explores the seal from both a historical and spiritual lens, offerings an intimate and deeply personal journey of relating to these remarkable creatures. Coming from a deep place of love, Godfrey has written an homage and a call to action to the reader. A must read for seal lovers!”

Icelandic Folk Magic - Albert Björn Shiell - Crossed Crow Books, June 2024
"Iceland is a mysterious and magical land, often defined by its' old Norse heritage and Saga literature. Icelandic Folk Magic explores the realities of this often spoken magical system from its roots in the older Norse traditions, the medieval and early modern traditions of Christianity, the occult grimoiric traditions, to the present day traditions. Shiell expands on this context and gives us the practical applications of this tradition then, now, and into the future. As an immigrant to this landscape, Shiell sensitively offers readers an intimate, honest and deeply respectful road map to the magic of his adopted home."

Awakening the Witch Blood - Nathan King - Crossed Crow Books, June 2024
“In Awakening the Witch Blood, Nathan King seeks to answer the question: what is embodying witchcraft. King answers this through an intimate and yet also expansive exploration of the witch as an embodied being, not just something we call ourselves or something we do but something we are. Presenting theory, practical exercises, cultural and historical contexts, all backed with scientific rationale, King offers a multidimensional view. This text is not introductory, it is foundational.”

People of the Ouside - Lee Morgan - Moon Books, May 2024
"In People of the Outside, Lee Morgan acts as our guide as we embark on a journey around the world to visit cultures past and present to uncover the roots of the witch. Looking back to our common ancient ancestors and precursor species, People of the Outside invites us to see the human traditions that are present in all cultures, and embrace that ancient role that has always existed. This book is a call to connection, power, and the liminal. Morgan's thesis on the nature and role of witch-kind and the Other is more than adequately illustrated with vivid examples from cultures far and wide, painting a universalist picture of the living mirrors society creates for its' self that are at the same time deeply despised and deeply cherished. Morgan most importantly includes in the conversation our various sapien cousins and our precursors, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, to make an argument of a call to embrace the power of the Other."

Houseplant HortOCCULTure - Devin Hunter - Llewellyn, April 2024
"This beautifully illustrated, intimately written guide to the magic of plants is not just a how to, it is an invitation to relationship. So many other books give magical properties alone, or they speak about the deities and spirits associated with magical plants, but what Hunter has done here is give us a complete guide to working with the plant world both from an esoteric place and a practical horticultural place. If you are like me, who once managed to kill a cactus, then relating to the plant kingdom has always been fraught with worry, regret, and mourning. Hunter's book empowers us to turn our thumbs green and become more sensitive to working with the plant as a living organism than just a note scribbled on dead tree. Divided into two parts, the first portion is really about relationships to plants in general, and the second part is introducing individual species. I strongly feel this book will be a valuable addition to those just beginning their practice and those whose roots reach back into the mists of time.”

Granny Thornapple’s Book of Charms - Brandon Weston - Llewellyn, January 2024
“Weston's Granny Thornapple’s Charming Book is a rare volume, not merely a collection of tales or raw folkloric data, but a whole landscape populated by characters you will come to love by the end. Weston's teachers, neighbours and friends all find their voice in this deeply personal work, their stories supporting the magical practices outlined. So often in magical books we get the practices divorced from culture, but in this book we have right in front of us. Weston gives us rituals, charms, prayers, and all manner of magical practices... and supports almost every single one with a story. The stories in this book are both timeless but extremely vivid, and they do not depict the Ozarks of yesteryear but of the present. I really appreciated this book, I was in awe of the variety of magical knowledge discussed, challenged by the questions Weston asked to take us deeper, and both inspired and scolded by the no nonsense attitudes of the charmers in these pages. Whether sipping coffee with us or washing dishes and talking, I felt honoured to be able to engage through this book with these strong Ozark men and women. This book will appeal not only to those interested in the Ozarks, but to all who want to connect to their own landscape as deeply as Weston has. This love letter to the Ozarks and Granny Thornapple is one I think you will return to again and again.”