Media Kit and Policies

Ben is available for interviews and appearances on podcasts, radio shows, television and other visual media, and live events. If you are interested in having Ben on as a guest, please see the below vitals, press kit, and appearance policies. Attached are several headshots suitable for use in your social media promotion. If you are interested in inviting Ben on, please reach out via the CONTACT page.

Small Biography

Ben Stimpson, BA (Hons), MBACP (He/They/Them) is an integrative therapist, spiritual director, award winning author, podcaster, and independant scholar of folklore and history. A member of the modern NeoPagan and queer communities, Ben’s personal life helps to inform his professional and research work. Ben holds a BA (Honours) in Medieval, Classical and Religious Studies from the University of Waterloo; a post-graduate Diploma in Spiritual Psychotherapy; and a Diploma in Social Service Work. As a therapist, he excels in working with members of the queer community and other marginalized populations, and ascribes to transpersonal, systemic and narrative approaches to therapy. He is the host of Essence podcast, a weekly show interviewing fellow authors and practitioners in the field of alternative spirituality and therapy. His debut title, Ancestral Whispers: A Guide to Developing Ancestral Veneration Practices was released by Llewellyn Worldwide and won the 2024 Gold Medal at the COVR Awards. His second title, Wise Ones: Legends of Witches, Magicians and Cunningfolk of England and Wales is set to debut June 2025 through Crossed Crow Books.

Publicity Team

Ben currently works with publicists from his two publishers (Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. and Crossed Crow Books). Please connect with Ben’s publicists about opportunities or enquiries about Ben’s written material with Llewellyn or Crossed Crow including public speaking events, book reviews, and media appearances:

Signature Topics

Academic Folklore and History Studies
- Queer Spirituality
- British Folklore
- Medieval and Early Modern British History
- Folklore legends of Witches, Cunning folk and Magicians
- History of Witchcraft and the Occult

Spirituality and Magical Practice
- Ancestor and Spirit work
- The power of story in ritual and magic
- Folk tradition, structure and manifestations

Authorship and Writing
- Writing in the metaphysical niche
- Promotion and marketing
- Stages and processes of writing non-fiction

Psychotherapy and Mental Health
- LGBTQ+ specific therapy
- Intersection of spirituality and mental health
- Personal narratives, family systems and relationships
- Cross-cultural competencies and culture shock

Headshot and Cover
Please see below a headshot and cover of Ben’s published material. These are only to be used for social media use related to Ben’s appearance on your show.
(Please Credit: / Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd)

Appearance Policies and Tech Questions

Please see below policies and tech questions related to Ben’s appearance on your show or at your event. These are non-negotiable, and informed consent is implied upon invitation to join your broadcast.

Ethics Statament
Ben takes a strong stand for equality and anti-discrimination. As such, Ben reserves the right without penalty to end or exit an interview if host or other guest begin voicing opinions that are harmful to any marginalized community or identity. Appearance on your podcast or at your event in no way constitutes endorsement and reflects only a temporary partnership.

Use of Artificial Intelligence
As an author and content creator, Ben is vehemently opposed to the use of AI content in the creative process. Any use of AI in the production of your show or content will result in the immediate refusal to be involved in your current project and any future partnership.

Payment to Appear as a Guest
Ben takes a strong stance against paying to appear on any podcast or at any event. Guests and speakers are the draw for shows and events.

Renumeration for Appearances
Fair and adequate renumeration including but not limited to speakers fee, travel costs, food expenses, and waiving of all attendance costs is a requirement to have Ben speak at your event. If invited to speak at a festival, gathering, speaking event, pub moot, Pagan Pride Day, conference, or other event where a presentation or other such offering is expected, the following will be required. Waiving of these conditions is at Ben’s sole disrection, or if other arrangements (such as financial support from publisher/distributor) are aorganized. The following conditions apply:

  • Waiver of any attendance fees to attend the event, as Ben will not pay to speak at an event.

  • Payment of a speaker fee, whether this be a percentage cut of attendee fees or a set rate. Payment of speaker fee will be due 48 hours before the event is scheduled to take place. If the event is cancelled for whatever reason without advanced notice, speaker fee will still apply regardless of whether event goes ahead or not.

  • Travel expenses to and from your event including reasonable amount of petrol money, train fare, or other such travel expenses. If Ben is arriving by car, petrol money and parking costs will be expected. If Ben is arriving by train, train fare and a taxi from the train station to the event venue will be expected (or alternatively, being picked up from the station). Other forms of travel expense such as airfarecan be discussed further but will be expected.

  • If the event is held over multiple days, covering of accomodation and meals is expected. ie. If your event has a camping component, and you would like Ben to attend for the whole event, covering of camping cost or other suitable accomodation is expected, and the covering of meals within a reasonable limit will also be expected.

  • If vending is occuring, and a speaker fee is not possible, then a free vending space to sell books will be expected.

  • The right to sell books is a requirement. Ben will not speak at an event where another company is supplying and profiting off of book signings unless it is a book store that the event is held at. For example, if a third-party company has contracted with the event to be the sole supplier of books used in booksignings and speakers are unable to sell their own books (and thus make retail profit) then Ben will not speak at your event. If a third party company is vending and selling copies of Ben’s books, but this does not interfere with Ben’s ability to sell copies himself, then this is acceptable.

  • If asked to present virtually to a group where a nominal fee is charged to attend, regardless of size, an adequate speaker fee will be required. This does not include normally free events such as book club discussions, or ‘meet and greets.’ This does apply to Pagan pub moots where there is an expectation of a presentation or some educational component connected to Ben’s work or focus of research.

Paid Content
Ben is open to collaborating with individuals who are creating exclusive content for paid subscribers on platforms such as Patreon/Substack/Youtube etc., This arrangement will constitute a seperate agreement from these general policies.

Rights Over Copy & Image
Ben reserves the right to make and host an independant copy of the interview for their own promotional use. Ben will add a link to the original interview and platform on the hosted version. Ben agrees not to distribute content that is intended for paid subscribers or which he receieved a speaker fee for.

Ben reserves the rights over his likeness, and any supplied material. Production of a podcast or other free content involving Ben does not constitute sole copyright by the host, and Ben reserves the right to have content removed unless renumeration was provided.

For public speaking events where a speaker fee was not paid, Ben does not give general permission for any recordings of said engagements to be made available after the fact unless explicitly understood at time of presentation or recording. Ben also does not give general permission for speaking events to be offered after the fact with a fee attached unless permission is sought. For paid engagements, Ben does not give permission for recordings of said content to be used outside the bounds of a speaker agreement. For example, if a paid speaking engagement’s recording is made available after the fact through other means, access to that recording must equal up to the amount first charged. If a speaking engagement was offered free, organizers may not charge for said recording after the fact unless explicit permission is sought.

Equipment Ben Has Access To
Ben’s current setup includes a Blue Snowball Microphone, LOGI HDMI 1080p webcam, circle lamp, and

Experienced Podcasting Platforms
Ben is comfortable using ZOOM, StreamYard, ZenCaster, RiverFM, and Instagram Live. The platform of use must be explicitly stated well ahead of recording time, particularly if live.

Format of interview must be stated explicitly well in advance, whether the video/audio or just audio.

Prohibited Topics
Below are a list of topics Ben is not comfortable speaking about for personal reasons unless he raises them himself:

  • Brexit